Sharing my vegetarian lifestyle.

I started my vegetarian journey about four years ago when I had a yearly wellness check done. My blood work showed my bad cholesterol was high. I needed to change my diet, or I would have to take medication. I always thought I was in good health, but high cholesterol does run in my family as well as high blood pressure. At that moment I decided to take an active role in my health.

My initial plan was to cut back on my meat intake. I set a schedule for eating meals that included meat three days a week. However, it got to a point where meat didn't taste the same anymore and upset my stomach. I decided my body was better off without it.

Once I became a vegetarian a new world opened up to me. I am now conscious of how I treat my body and how what I choose to eat affects the world around me. I wanted to create this blog to share my journey with you. My successes, my education, and my tasty food ideas.

New blogs coming soon.